International and specialized exhibition of information technology, communication and sustainable electricity (Kitex 2024)
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Category : Public
Inserted Date : 12/3/1961 12:00:00 PM
Resourse : Internal

Kish international exhibitions(KITEX) were opened in the international and specialized exhibition of information technology, communication and sustainable electricity in Kish, which was named Kitex 2024; 119 participants were present.

International and specialized exhibition of information technology, communication and sustainable electricity (Kitex 2024)
Kish international exhibitions were opened in the international and specialized exhibition of information technology, communication and sustainable electricity in Kish, which was named Kitex 2024; 119 participants were present.

This exhibition with the approach of interaction, healthy competition and presenting the latest achievements and developments in the field of smart city, Internet of Things and renewable energy, artificial intelligence and business, distribution, consumption and smart electricity, connectivity and communication, soft technologies and Creative, infrastructure, security and stable electricity had been established.

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Association, AFTA Association, Iran Electricity Industry Syndicate, Radio Identification and Location Syndicate of the country, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Kish Investment and Development Company, Iran Telecommunication Company and Connectivity Headquarters as well as the Innovation and Development Fund of the Scientific Vice President Republic that considered a support subsidy for knowledge-based companies and technology companies present in this exhibition; They were among the sponsors of this exhibition.

Holding a round table by the Fava Commission and otaghe bazargani Iran of Commerce on the subject of economic challenges and opportunities of the national optical fiber project from 12:30 p.m. to 2:20 p.m. on Tuesday, September 20, at the Razi Hall of the International Conference Center and the establishment of the Fava Festival and Its side programs include recognition of those involved, speeches by representatives of organizations, senior officials of Fava and electricity fields from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the same day in the hall. International conferences were other side programs of this exhibition.

Also, a specialized meeting on intelligentization and review of startups and technology companies active in the field of emerging technologies and based in the island, focusing on the management of technology of the Kish Zone Organization, was held on Thursday, September 22, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Kish International Exhibition Hall. became.

It should be noted that the Kish Zone Organization has a supporting and policy-making role in the international and specialized exhibition of information technology, communication and sustainable electricity in Kish, and the areas of security, intelligence, island infrastructure, Kish innovation city, artificial intelligence and the field of "data sovereignty" It is one of the areas in which this organization is interested in participating and investing.

This exhibition was held until Thursday, September 22 at Kish International Exhibition.


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